Become a SFLA Guardian monthly contributor

Please consider signing up as a Students for Life Guardian with a monthly recurring contribution of $10, $15, $30, $50, or whatever amount is in your heart.

The good news is, there’s never been a better time to sign up!

Two very generous supporters have agreed to step up and offer an incredible $20,000 Matching Grant opportunity!

But there’s just one catch.

We need at least 250 NEW Guardian monthly recurring contributors before the 3/31 end of quarter deadline to fulfill this Matching Grant!

Guardian monthly contributors help:

  1. Guarantee a steady flow of resources we can count on every month, which is critical to our ability to grow SFLA’s new programs;
  2. Ensure we’re able to quickly respond to Planned Parenthood’s attacks. Planned Parenthood is more determined than ever to gain a foothold on America’s college and high school campuses. With a steady flow of resources from Guardian monthly contributors, Students for Life will always be prepared to fight back;
  3. Identify and train the next generation of pro-life leaders. You can’t manage a big army without competent leaders. The national grassroots army that Students for Life is building requires constant training for young people who are willing to dedicate their lives to abolishing abortion. Guardian monthly contributors play a major role in funding our trainings.

So please sign up as a Students for Life Guardian with your most generous tax-deductible monthly gift today.

Prefer to make a one-time gift instead (not eligible for Matching Grant funds)? Click here.

Give $50 or more per month and you’ll receive this exclusive Guardians embroidered 50″ x 60″ blanket!